
Banner of Love, Not Pride

Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.com

“The gospel moves at the speed of relationship.”

Something I learned greatly while being overseas at the beginning of this year is the different way we had to approach mission work. Coming into this gap year and being raised in the church, whether my fault or others, I have always had the mindset of “In evangelism (ministry), every conversation I have with a nonbeliever must end in the gospel”; this is not true.

Because of the line of work we are in, my teammates and I are not allowed to tell anyone why we are here in France. People outside of our team just know we are here doing “a cross cultural internship.”

Something else that plays into how we minister here, is the French culture in general thinks, “What you believe about religion and politics stays at home.” So, it would be very hard to walk up to a French person and try to start sharing the gospel with them. They would most likely have a hard heart toward you or just not want to listen. Plus, I can’t just walk up to someone on the street and start sharing the gospel with them because I am not fluent in French!!

So, what has ministry looked like here? Simple. Loving and caring for those who are right in front of me. For example, all our classmates at school (where we learned French) speak English as their second language. When we have our break or are able to talk to each other before, after, or during class, we speak in English. So again, what has ministry looked like? It has looked like taking friends out to lunch, getting to know them and their culture, and hanging out with them outside of class. Whether I realized it or not, I came to France to simply be a friend to my classmates.

I believe a lot of our (my roommates and I) ministry is even in the way we act and choose to live our lives. For example, showing up everyday for class no matter how tired we might be, not smoking, not living with our boyfriend or girlfriend, not cussing, being respectful and wanting to learn about different cultures…etc. all are ways in which I believe we are able to stand out, be set apart, holy, and different from the rest of the world. As my grandpa said – “It is a lot of what Jesus did. Living and working among the sinners, but choosing not to partake in the things they do.” 1 Peter 1:13-16

Don’t get me wrong, evangelism and gospel sharing has it’s place, but maybe sometimes it is more important to foster a relationship with somebody first verses being legalistic about having to share the gospel with them sraight away. It is not about me and my abilities, because truth be told, I can’t save anyone. Only Christ Jesus can do that and for certain seasons and certain people, I am only a seed planter, not a harvester. Nothing more and nothing less.

So, how about you? How do you view evangelism and ministry? Do you view it as something to get off your to-do list, and say you have done it? Is evangelism a way to look like a “good Christian” or to make sure you are right with God on Judgment day? Or perhaps you fear if you do not evangelize no one will come to salvation? Whatever your reason, please know that is not what it is about. I have been learning, that in ministry perhaps we do not always have to carry the banner of “I need to convert you!” Perhaps, we (I) need to carry the banner of friendship and love first, then let your faith and the gospel come up and about naturally by the Spirit’s leading. Ezekiel 36:26-27

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing… And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, 13

Alyssa Rasor

1 comment on “Banner of Love, Not Pride

  1. Clare Mescher

    I couldn’t said it better. Looking at Jesus and the way he approached people was with kindness and if they needed healing he took care of it. It’s Christ in us so let they see the Lord in us. For it is God who works in us. You go girl. You certainly are a blessing. Love, Clare Mescher

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