
Back By Grace

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

Hey, friends! I do not know if you noticed I have been gone, but I have. I recently posted an Easter blog that was my first blog back in a year! The original reason I took a “break” was because (1). I graduated high school! Life became busy and life in general became very crazy as my family was preparing for a cross country move! (2). I have been on a gap year doing mission work. If you do not know what a “gap year” is, it is a program in which a high school graduate can take “a year off” before college. In my particular case, my gap year has been focused on missions and getting a cross cultural experience to see if this is something I want to pursue long term. I started this gap year back in August and it will end coming up in a few weeks at the end of April.

During this time of being on the gap year and taking a break from Magnified, I have often wondered or thought about if I should stop Magnified altogether or if I should keep the site and pick it back up again one day. I wish I could say I have a “God moment” of God making it clear I need to come back, but I don’t (lol). So, what is bringing me back? Simple. I need a hobby.

I know this reason may sound crazy, but it’s true. I enjoy writing, creating, social media, and the thrill of letting the world in on my thoughts, and hoping for a chance to inspire them for the “greater good.” Maybe a part of me is addicted to the dopamine flow I get when I see someone likes my stuff, but for now it goes deeper than that.

This leads me to my next point about coming back; I want things to look different this time around. When I first started this blog, I set high standards for myself of posting once a week, doing Miracle Mondays once a month…etc. This time around I want to post things when I have a thought, have something to say, or have something I want to post about (this includes social media). Basically what I am getting at is I desire to have no standards for myself to reach with Magnified. I want to write and create simply because I love to and desire for you and myself to grow closer to God ultimately through it.

I hope this makes sense and I hope you to will consider and perhaps ask yourself, “In what areas of my life am I putting unrealistic expectations on myself? In what ways am I striving instead of sitting at His feet (Luke 10:38-42)?” I hope you know, friend, our God is a God of rest and grace. As my mom would say, “God is not a task master.” He is full of grace and desires for you to live in freedom, a part from the “law” or standard you have in your mind or have made for yourself. He is the God of freedom!

“You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love…You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” Galatians 5:4-6, 13-14

Alyssa Rasor

Hey there! I'm so glad you are here! My name is Alyssa Rasor, and I am passionate about helping you magnify God in every area of your life. I hope you will stick around and marvel with me at how great our God is! Make sure to subscribe and join the fun! Psalm 40:16

1 comment on “Back By Grace

  1. Leah Rasor

    Thanks for the update and I’m glad you’re back! Grace is an important topic in the Christian faith. Thank you for sharing.


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